IronMQ On-Premise - HA Installation

This guide will show you how to add nodes to a single IronMQ to create a 3 node high availability (HA) cluster, and installing HUD-e to manage and introspect your queues with a web UI.

Please note: You need to contact to enable access to IronMQ docker images


These instructions assume that you’ve already set up a single IronMQ node. If you haven’t, please first complete the single node setup.

1. Add 2 more nodes

All nodes in the HA cluster need to communicate with each other in order to provide the high availability, redundancy, and other advantages that IronMQ’s distributed algorithms provide.

To facilitate that process, IronMQ implements a modified gossip protocol to find all of the other nodes to talk to. On startup, you only need to tell the new node about at least one other existing node in the cluster (a seed node).

We’ll specify the seed node using the LEVELDB_CONFIG_COHOSTS environment variable, which allows for easy use of separate service discovery services like etcd or consul (also can be done in a config line):

docker run --name=ironmq1 -d -p 8180:8180 -e LEVELDB_CONFIG_COHOSTS="","" -e APICONFIG_HTTPPORT=8180 --net=host iron/mq
docker run --name=ironmq2 -d -p 8280:8280 -e LEVELDB_CONFIG_COHOSTS="","" -e APICONFIG_HTTPPORT=8280 --net=host iron/mq

These commands assume that all 3 nodes are running on the same machine. If you’re starting the new nodes on different machines, you can omit the -e APICONFIG_HTTPPORT environment variables and use the default port (8080). If you choose to omit, make sure to also change the -p parameter and LEVELDB_CONFIG_COHOSTS. If you already had a single box version up, you’ll need to restart it with the LEVELDB_CONFIG_COHOSTS env var in order for it to enter into cluster mode.

2. Start HUD-e

HUD-e is the web UI that allows you to introspect and manage your queues. Setting up HUD-e is similar to setting up the previous services:

docker run -d --name hud-e -p 3000:80 --net=host -e IRON_AUTH_URL=localhost:8090 -e 'SECRET_KEY_BASE=$RANDOM_STRING' iron/hud-e

$RANDOM_STRING is a string that you randomly select on your own. Make sure that it is cryptographically strong (e.g. using a cryptographically sound hashing algorithm on random string). If SECRET_KEY_BASE isn’t at least 30 chars then HUD-e will fail to start.

After HUD-e is running, go to http://localhost:3000 (or whatever address you need, if it’s on a server somewhere) and login with the following credentials:

password: password

After you’ve logged in, you’ll have to click the admin dropdown in the top right and create a cluster with the url of your MQ in order to get started. This should be fairly straight forward, tag it as whatever you’d like to.

After that you can go back to the main page by clicking the big logo in the top left, and we recommend that you create new user accounts, projects, etc and start using the queues.

3. Add additional nodes (optional)

You can add additional nodes using the same commands as the previous section. Please follow these guidelines when running your cluster:

  • Always run at least 3 nodes
  • Allow at least 5 unused open ports above the port that you tell iron/mq to bind to, so that iron/mq can run internal RPC services
  • Always run an odd number of nodes. iron/mq and iron/auth both use a quorum based distributed algorithm in their databases to handle network errors and failures, so they require an odd number of nodes to properly maintain majorities
  • We recommend sizing your cluster with 3 nodes and scaling up once you’re comfortable with managing IronMQ clusters
  • We recommend creating a load balancer to forward traffic to these nodes. To do so, allow your load balancer to forward traffic to the ports you choose to run iron/mq on (8080, 8081, and 8082 in the previous section) and the ports that you choose to run iron/auth on (8090 from the single node setup guide).

Notes for production usage

At this point, you’ve successfully set up a 3 node IronMQ cluster and HUD-e. Remember that in the above configuration, all data is ephemeral and will be erased after a container is stopped. To persist the data, see this guide.

We also recommend running the iron/auth container on a separate set of nodes from the iron/mq nodes, for higher availability. They should also have a different load balancer in front of them.

You can tell iron/mq where iron/auth is by using the -e AUTH_HOST environment variable.

Finally, HUD-e is stateless and relies exclusively on the APIs provided by iron/auth and iron/mq, so we recommend hosting it on separate nodes, fronted by its own load balancer. For reference, we deploy HUD-e on Heroku for our hosted products.

We will add more information about IronMQ production configurations soon.